


Representative Director Hiroshi Sugimoto
President Hiroshi SUGIMOTO.

We do our core business with sincerity and honesty.

We, Nikkari developed brush cutters to reduce mowing work under the hot sun, and mono-rack to ease heavy items carrying in steep field.
Nikkari company policy “Sincerity and Honesty” means “thinking at customers’ sight”.
Since Nikkari establishment, our activity has advanced with this honesty.
Nikkari has progressed from Okayama Est. to all over the world, and thinks with customers for good products manufacturing.

Mission statement

Honesty and sincerity are our business core values.

Management philosophy

Right Path Humanity High Road

  • Respecting ethics and judging correctly by universal compass.
  • Cherishing all related people as well as employee, customers, shareholders.
  • Maximizing profit for business continuity.


Company Name NIKKARI CO.,LTD
Address 465-1 Saidaiji Kawaguchi, Higashi-ku, Okayama City, Okayama, Japan
President Hiroshi SUGIMOTO.
Establiched July 3, 1959
Capital 48,000,000 yen
Number of Employees 121(as of May, 2024)
Business Lineup Manufacturer and seller of agricultural & forestry
machinery, mainly featuring brush-cutters and
mono-rail carriers (Monorack).
Revenues 7,407,000,000 yen (2022)
7,409,000,000 yen (2023)
6,066,000,000 yen (2024)


Map Details


Offices Address
East-okayama 482-1 Otami, Naka-Ku, Okayama City, Okayama, Japan
Western Japan 465-1 Saidaiji Kawaguchi, Higashi-Ku, Okayama City, Okayama, Japan
Eastern Japan 1-389-9 Yoshino-cho, Kita-Ku, Saitama city, Saitama, Japan
North-east 1436-2 Yanagisawa, Takizawa-city, Iwate, Japan
Kyushu 1172-4 Kokubu-machi, Kurume-city, Fukuoka, Japan